created by HunHowrse Layout Generator on 2015-04-28 09:28:06

Kelsingra is an ancient city on the banks of the Rain Wild River , notably described as being built and inhabited by Elderlings but for dragons with streets and buildings large enough to accomodate even the largest. It featured many unusual ammenities for dragon kind including enormous heated squares and baths. The surrounding area was filled with domesticated livestock for dragon consumption and the city itself was built next to an enormous flowing river for the dragons to land in. The banks were kept sandy and Elderlings on hand to scrub and groom dragon visitors.
The Rain Wilds

The Rain Wilds is a large, marshy territory south west of Chalced on The Cursed Shores. Both Chalced and Jamaillia claim the territory though only Jamaillia actually has any settlements in the area. The land is dominated by the Rain Wild River, a long and twisting river with countless territories and varying depth. It has two major settlements, Bingtown and Trehaug. In ancient times the land was primarily rolling meadows of fertile ground filled with grain fields and well tended livestock. Enormous Elderling cities played host to Dragons and the populace centered around the Serpent River. The volcanic cataclysm that killed off both the dragons and the Elderlings the flow of the river was disrupted, leaving the shallower Rain Wild River behind and turning the land into marshes. The river was, and is again, the migratory route for serpents who swim upstream to hatch on the banks. Now prone to flooding and no longer sandy enough to support the serpents hatching without a great deal of help from humans and dragons. With the changes to the land and the lack of livestock, the land also can no longer feed them appropriately.

Dragons are enormous flying lizards of legend. They exist in four states: egg, serpent, cocoon and dragon. They have numerous abilities including magic, telepathy, acid breath and more. A healthy dragon maintains the memories of its ancestors. Dragons are hatched from eggs, seemingly on the Island of the Others into aquatic serpents which freely roam the oceans until they reach the size and age to make the journey up the Rain Wild River to form a cocoon at Frengong. There, they would be tended by Elderlings before hatching in the height of summer to feast and grow to maturity. A healthy dragon would hatch fully capable of flight and hunting. Dragons are also capable of intentionally turning humans into Elderlings, shaping them into their own image.

Elderlings are humans that have been changed by proximity to dragons, dragon flesh or dragon artifacts. They attain longevity as well as draconic appearance. In ancient times a great number of Elderlings lived and tended to the needs and wants of dragons. They have recently returned alongside the new dragons. True Elderlings are intentionally mutated from humans by Dragons. Historically it was considered a great honor and humans were said to vie for favor. The physical changes were intentionally wrought and directed by the responsbile dragon and typically included heavy scaling in the color to match the dragon as well as other draconic features including elongated claws, ridges on the forehead and greater height. While simple proximity to dragons, particularly at young ages, is enough to elicit some changes most Elderlings were mutated consuming the blood and scales of a dragon. The usual source was from the removal of a scale on the face, allowing a few drops of blood onto the scale which was then consumed. The blood and scales for consumption do not need to be willingly surrendered. Elderlings often have strong mental bonds to the dragons who spurred their changes though the strength varies from Elderling to dragon. These mental bonds appear to be directly comparative to the bonds all dragons share which each other and are limited by distance.

Felnőtt játékos vagyok, jelenleg főleg angol telivérek tenyésztésével foglalkozom és igyekszem minél aktívabban részt venni a különböző eventeken is. A Howrse-val már évekkel ezelőtt is játszottam (a .com verzión), de egy idő után mindig ráhagytam, ez a magyar verzió most jobban leköt és az újításokkal sokkal érdekesebbé is vált a játék maga. Gyerek korom óta lovagoltam, nyári táborokban oktattam, foglalkoztam problémás lovakkal is, de sajnos jelenleg pénz és idő hiányában nincs rá alkalmam + kb egy éve volt egy komolyabb lovas balesetem, ahol az egyik csigolyám megsérült és nagyon nagy mázlim volt, hogy nem törtem ki a nyakamat, szóval azóta annyira nem is erőltettem a lovaglást, de természetesen mindenképpen szeretnék majd újra lóra ülni. Addigis itt a játékban biztonságos körülmények között tudok lovazni, még akkor is, ha csak virtuális lovak :)
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